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Pursuit of Cabin Living S1 E6 Book Giveaway!

2 Posts
1 Users
Honorable Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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To be entered in the drawing to win, SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE with the answers to the following questions:

1.) How many gallons is our new BPA Free water storage tank?

2.) What treat did our concrete contractor friends bring to us from Mora?

3.) What brand of refrigerator (not refridgerator...right Luke!) did we buy?

4.) What creek did Heather walk across in her rubber boots? (Be specific as to what fork)

Good luck and have fun! The book giveaway (Cabin Porn) is a great and inspiring journal of cabins around the world!

Honorable Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 395
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Congratulations to Victor Fraire for winning this challenge! Victor wins a copy of Cabin Porn, Inside Edition. Estimated Delivery Date: Thursday, Aug. 26

