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Forgotten Graves

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I took a short tour around the Davenport, WA area just for fresh air and found this graveyard all but completely consumed by time:

   That's the graveyard to the right, in that 2nd photo. 

Just little ones:

This one here is the most recent stone I could find, though her husband's is supposedly there too and two years more recent.   I am guessing it would be beside hers but the migrating silt appears to have consumed it.  

She died at just 26, two days after the birth of her third child.  Details unknown. 

I was able to find this photo which claims to be her and her husband 

There is nothing globally noteworthy about these folks,  just settlers during a part of history when life was hard and not everyone was destined to grow old.  

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Shovel

Honorable Member Admin
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I'm not seeing any photos uploaded. Are you? I updated the forum-- maybe some issues.

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No trouble with the photos for me, when posting initially or now after the update -

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Not forgotten, now. Thanks for sharing.

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I find this kind of adventure travel to be some of the most rewarding. After our call this week and you sharing some of your plans for such local jaunts, I started to think about some of the short trips I have taken similar where the appreciation of those who came before--while not particularly outstanding are worth noting. Loved the share of the research afterwards.

Subeeben reacted
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@shovel wow cool pics thanks for sharing. Some of the most unexpected things we find.

Subeeben reacted