Gordon Gulch and ca...
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Gordon Gulch and camp food

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I’ll post more later. But here’s a few!


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Wow! That looks amazing.  What do you call that dish?  I like how you posted the location too 👍 👍 

Estimable Member
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Looks great @matthew-blair! I'm hoping to make it to Colorado sometime this year before the Fall. My last trip was in 2017 when I visited Ouray and toured the Uncompahgre National Forest (Yankee Boy Basin) and I hated to leave.

I lived briefly in Littleton in the mid-80s, but have not been back there since then. I'm sure it's changed a lot in almost 40 years. 😀 

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I was looking at this dinner thinking how often I have enjoyed making a good steak over an open pit fire. I also like to lay asparagus on foil and add freshly squeezed lemon, butter, and salt and then wrap it in the foil and put over an open pit fire. Let them get a bit crispy and carmelized. So good!

Matt Blair reacted