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Trailer Inspiration & Innovation Thread

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Right now trailers are a future thing for me if ever, still a little window shopping can be inspirational and maybe help us all discover new ideas.

Here are a couple things I've seen that are practical & innovative,  post up cool trailer ideas if you see 'em!

The Littleguy Meerkat -
I think the pictures explain it all.   Combines ultra-lightweight, low profile towing with standing room.   I've been inside one of these and at just over 6' tall it's comfortable,  the room that little pop-up bit provides is sufficient for an adult to go about the business of preparing food or dressing in comfort or for two adults to shuffle out of each others' way while reconfiguring the bed to a seating area. 
In other words I think they struck a very nice balance - it's under 1000lb and you can make breakfast indoors while standing up, while your travel companion stays in bed if they want (or flips the bed to seating) without having to go outside to set it up or strike camp.    That makes it 1/3 lighter than an A-liner,  lighter even than almost every tent trailer and more convenient to use than either of those  - with the caveat that it's probably only comfortable for two people who like each other a lot. 

The next one looks like a vaporware design exercise but apparently is a real product available in Europe and for a while there was an importer in Montreal - still I've never seen one in the wild and it strikes me as maybe easier to look at than live with. 

Pretty self explanatory, it's part ultralight trailer part houseboat.   A lot of us who travel light understand the value of a well executed multipurpose tool and this might or might not fit that description.   I love the idea at least and if one was available to rent I'd jump at it.

And last (for now) going from the absolutely attainable to the possibly attainable to the probably-not-attainable,  this is just a clever idea.   It looks like some architect's design exercise but the photos and videos on their facebook sure make it look like they're actually building them,  built tooling for the molds and will be manufacturing at least a few of these for the type of customer who can drop a half million dollars on something futuristic and beautiful

What's caught your eye?

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Heather and I have been tossing around the idea of a pull behind trailer to go behind the RAM truck with our Go Fast Camper so we can have a base camp and an overnight overlander. I think for us, this may be the closest thing to a silver bullet. So, we can drive somewhere at a distance, set up a base, and then take short overnight exploratory runs with the truck. Because so, the trailers we have been looking at are as follows (for various reasons) -- taking cost out of the equasion.

My favorite at the moment is Escape Trailers. In particular, they are in dev of a new model called the Escape 23.
I like fiberglass shell campers. These aren't necessarily 4 season camper trailers but they are light weight and solid. The company has no dealers. Made to order with lots of options.

The second favorite is Oliver Trailers. The also make a fiberglass camper trailer but their's is really innovative. The shell is made from four molded pieces of fiberglass Top exterior, Bottom exterior, Top interior, and Bottom interior. With this design, all the wires and plumbing etc. is found inbetween the molded shell pieces. Nothing sits outside the shell. No dealers, made to order. Not as many options. Their interior design is something that needs to be truly liked as the interior resembles marine styling.

We had someone camp recently here at Mantle Rock with a Casita. Cute trailers. We found one on CL in Taos for about $10k. I think that such a small camper wouldn't be for us as we are looking for something that is totally comfortable and livable as a base camp since we have the overnighter on the back of the truck.

I still like Airstream trailers. I have heard that there can be significant maintenance on them (with regard to replacing rivets). I would say if we were to be serious about one it would be a Caravel 19CB or 20FB. The Caravel is an upgrade from the Bambi. We would definitely want a dry bath rather than wet.

We did see a MeerKat recently being used along a river in Valle Vidal here in NM. The popup roof is really cute and functional. Haven't seen an interior of a unit.

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