The Hiawatha Route
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The Hiawatha Route

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One of the many good things about living in Spokane is we can sleep in late,  enjoy coffee and toast,  decide we both hurt too much to spend the day gardening and then after 10:00am decide to drive to Montana for some bicycling. 

I just loaded up the bikes,  no idea how this is going to turn out.   I don't know the local weather on the pass well enough to even know if it's thawed yet.   

The Hiawatha is a rails-to-trails route and apparently (as I only just found out four minutes ago) considered by many the crown jewel of such things in America.   Well hot diggety dang!   And just an hour and a half away!

Sandwiches packed,  bikes loaded on the badge-designated 4Xpedition Patriot 🤣 , camera's gonna have to charge en route.   I'll let you all know how it turns out later.

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We got some good recon done!  Sadly it's snowed over and without a buddy it's just not smart to hit unfamiliar snow.  We'll have to head back that way a little later in the year.

Cheesy highway time lapse on youtube:

We zoomed back to Coeur d'Alene for a little biking above the lake.

Sorry there's not a lot of excitement to report for y'all but I'll leave this thread up because we're 100% going back to the Hiawatha route for biking in a month or two. 

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@shovel I watched a YouTube video from last year of a guy riding that route. Looks amazing and is something on my bucket list for sure. Temps are up here in Arizona, and it won't be long before I'm ready to "beat the heat"!

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@shovel There is a guy that follows my channel and comments on Facebook that mentioned a trail like that he likes to go on. Not sure if it is the same one or not. Chris Ross is his name. He commented on one of my 4X facebook posts recently. He invited me to come up this summer to ride with him. Not sure if I will have time yet but am considering it.

Shovel reacted
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July 19th is my birthday,  and also July 19th we're riding the Hiawatha! 

Going to be doing it 1 way with a shuttle,  like danged tourists...   it's going to be a busy week for us and I didn't want us to get wiped out on a 15 mile uphill ride followed by a 15 mile downhill ride so we're just doing the downhill one 🤣  

We have travel planned every day of next week and I'm all the way excited about that! 

Debra Duane reacted
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Done did it!  

Also the tunnels are wet and I definitely looked like I had a (very dramatic) accident in, on and around my pants...   🤣 

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@shovel Whoa, that is a serious drop off that bridge. The grade looked fairly level and the surface smooth. Yes? Tell us about it on the Zoom this week.
