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Staying fit in the off season!

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Some places actually have an off season 🤣  - right now it's about 11F where I am which means bicycling is kind of miserable,  hiking is slippery and very cold - we walk around the neighborhood but a walk doesn't engage very many muscles.

Just recently we decided to start visiting a bouldering gym,  as far as I can tell the difference between a bouldering gym and a climbing gym is the height of the walls & the presence or absence of belaying winches.   Correct me if I'm wrong there!   The bouldering gym feels like it's going to be a good way for us to stay fit,  they allow us to do day passes and punch cards (prepay for visits, use whenever) which is a lot easier than committing to an annual pass.   

Wearing climbing shoes is pretty unpleasant but hopefully they'll wear in and get comfortable - the most important thing for me is building my strength back up because it not only feels good it also unlocks more opportunities when we're out and about if we're in shape to pursue them,  and I believe it's a lot safer to be fit when you're away from civilization because strength and climbing confidence increases a person's self-recovery options if they find themselves above or below where they should be. 

Anyone else go bouldering or climbing at a gym?   Got advice?   Got questions? 

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@shovel I totally understand this as it was 10 degrees here this morning. Though beautiful and sunny and in the 40's during the day it makes things a bit sketchy if you want to hike, bike or run etc. Yesterday we were heading out in the side by side to find a place to hike somewhere. As we came around the corner we came across a visitor renting an AirB&B in the neighborhood who had fully planted his Jeep (Grand cherokee with low pro tires...I mean really?!?!) in the ditch. Needless to say the outdoor weather is not ideal for a lot of things right now. At least not here in NM or where you are.

The idea of a bouldering gym is great. I have not climbed indoor only outdoor while living in the desert. I know it is great exercise though using many muscle groups and will for sure get your feet in shape with those lovely shoes..haha. We are looking at joining our little gym here in Angel Fire for a few months to get things rolling and get back into shape. We sure love our banana bread and pizza dinners but summer is coming and since there is not great shopping here we need to fit into the summer clothes we already have. 😆 

Looking forward to better health and moving forward and prepping for some Awesome 4X outdoor fun! Be safe and keep us posted how the gym is going. Good luck with those shoes! 

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We've been going to this bouldering gym slightly more than 2 months now and continuing to go has been pretty fun, it never feels like a chore the way that conventional gym visits always did to me.   

The bad thing is that there's very little opportunity for cardio at a bouldering gym,  but the good thing is it naturally builds upper body and core strength - that's a great supplement to cycling which is mostly lower core and leg.    My wife says that the flexibility aspect of climbing helps with butt shape too because it's not just being engaged in one direction like cycling and walking.   I've never put much thought into how my own butt looks 🤣 

So two months in I can't say anything about butts or really any vanity related topics but I do feel a lot more confident about the techniques and I do think that parts of my upper body strength are improving.   I've always had strong forearms (I turn wrenches.. a lot..) but fingertip strength for climbers is a whole other ball game and my stamina while under load is way behind some of these people.   I tell myself "well that guy weighs 50 fewer pounds than I do..." - that's a good way to stay positive, I really am doing more work than they are with my extra weight.   But that just means I do need to get lighter so I can achieve more.

Anyway I wanted to do an update here,  I think this has been a great supplement to other exercise activities and we haven't slowed down - always a good sign when an activity can remain fresh and fun after settling into it.  

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After injuring my back in N. Montana (we drove pretty much straight to Hood River OR) which is why we didn't stop in for a coffee with you Shovel (sorry man). That night in Hood River I was in agony. Next day I went to a chiropractor that helped a bit. After that in Portland I was in emergency.

After Heather drove us straight home, I was laid up for a bit and then went to emergency one day in Taos and then after that to Taos Whole Health Integrative care. Pretty sure it was my Psoaz Muscle. Anyway, Heather decided that it wasn't going to help me to just lay around. After getting a regiment from TWH which included some topical treatment and some muscle relaxers, etc. Heather made me get outside and get exercise. That week we hiked a 12 mile hike, mountain biked a 6 mile ride, went bouldering, and other activity and I have to say, getting exercise and movement healed it. I am convinced.

It is truly important to keep your body flexible, stretching, getting regular exercise as we age.

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This winter has been a tough one for keeping active for a host of reasons but we got out on bikes today and pedaled a few miles.. not exciting but we'll take what we can get for now 
