End of the World Overland Jaunt
Location: End of the World, Arizona
Jurisdiction: Coconino National Forest
GPS: 34.977011, -111.798937
Registration Required
Non-Member Registration Fee: $125.00 per person
Price includes an event t-shirt and sticker.
This is a child-friendly event. Children over 12 must be registered.
Excursion Details
Good news! The world isn’t coming to an end…yet. But if you come along on this journey, you can experience the stunning beauty of the red rock cliffs of Sedona from a 2000 foot perch while camping in the world’s largest Ponderosa Pine forest.
We will depart from the Anthem Outlet Mall parking lot located in Anthem, Arizona. This meeting point is a great jump-off point for a convoy to Sedona, through Oak Creek Canyon and up to the rim.
Once everyone has arrived and we organize, we will head up I-17 with a pitstop in Camp Verde. We will all stay connected via group text message and/or radios for those who have them. Please have your vehicle fueled up by the time you arrive at the outlet mall.
We will venture deep into the forest above the Mogollon Rim to the camping point. We will leave early on Friday as there can be limited camping availability, especially for a group. Bring your hammock to swing in the shade under the trees.
We will coordinate efforts prior to the event so watch for email notifications.

We will not accept participants the day of the event. All participants MUST be registered through our website, have agreed to our terms and conditions, and provided all required documentation in advance. All passengers are required to register.
Register below. Once you register, you will receive detailed information about the excursion including what to bring. You will also be required to provide details about your vehicle to ensure safe passage to and from the camping point. This is a rough road to a remote destination. All vehicles will be required to pass inspection for proper gear, clearance, tire wear, etc.
All participants must be in good health and we must be notified of any medical concerns prior to departure.
Participants must agree to our terms and conditions as your involvement in the excursion is at your own risk.
Registration Request
Registration will be available when the dates are selected.