Know your limits using our convenient rating system. Then we will help you push beyond them.
We have developed a system for rating the level of difficulty you can expect from the excursions we offer.
This system is divided into five rating levels: Easy, Moderate, Challenging, Difficult, and Extreme. A description of what participants can expect by embarking on an experience within each category is outlined below.
This system is designed to assist you in selecting a travel experience that best matches your level of physical fitness. Aside from the rating system to ensure physical capabilities, each participant is required to complete our physical assessment questionnaire. Helping you to select a difficulty level more accurately allows 4Xpedition to ensure each participant’s safe and memorable experience.
Please review the rating system below. Once you have done so, please browse our travel Adventure list. Each travel Adventure includes a full description of the specific trip, a travel rating, the duration, age limit information, and a brief overview of the itinerary. Reviewing past trips may also help you to select a future trip, being that past trip pages offer a review of the trip experience and a slide show. If you have any further questions regarding the rating system, your level of physical fitness, or one of our upcoming travel Adventures, please do not hesitate to contact us.
A travel Adventure categorized as ‘easy’ will tend to be a single- or multi-day experience that requires very little physical fitness. Participants may encounter walking, hiking, or bicycling on relatively level surfaces for short to mid-range distances. Hikes may include no more than a few miles with minimal elevation change. Any minimal support gear such as day packs or water supply would be transported by the individual. Physical exposure to adverse weather conditions would likely not be an issue. Modes of transportation will generally be motorized. Disabled individuals who wish to participate may experience limited access in some situations.
Individuals who participate in a ‘moderate’ trip may experience a single- or multi-day excursion where regular physical endurance may be required. Elevations may vary slightly depending on the trip, be it cityscape or wilderness travel. Travelers will be required to tote their own personal effects or backpack their own outdoor support gear as required.
Depending on the destination, baggage may be heavy or light. In tropical destinations where comfortable accommodations are planned, baggage may be very light; whereas in longer outdoor wilderness travel situations with varying temperatures, baggage may be much heavier. Adverse weather exposure is more likely. Slight geographical limitations may affect some participants, and these may include excessively narrow passageways or steep ascents and descents on hilly city streets, trails, or boulders.
Transportation may vary from motorized to non-motorized vehicles and may include walking, bicycles, buses, rafts or boats, taxis, rickshaws, small aircraft, horses, camels, or elephants. Language barriers would not be likely. Accommodations may vary from comfortable private facilities to sleeping under the stars. In the majority of cases, disabled individuals would experience limited access.
A ‘challenging’ travel itinerary will include moderate to more difficult physical activity. Individuals in good physical condition who are regularly active in athletics may experience only occasional excessive endurance requirements; however, others who participate in physical activity less regularly may definitely be challenged throughout the Adventure. These individuals may also be challenged to maintain good mental focus in endurance situations. Activities may include backcountry wilderness travel, foreign city and country travel, open water exposure, and possible exposure to adverse weather conditions.
Participants will be required to transport their own gear or travel baggage and water. In some situations, it may be necessary to obtain water from natural sources utilizing a filtration system. In addition to the geographical limitations noted above under ‘moderate,’ travelers may experience other situations which some may find challenging. Transportation may vary from motorized to non-motorized vehicles and may include walking, bicycles, buses, rafts or boats, taxis, rickshaws, small aircraft, horses, camels, elephants, and, of course, old-fashion ‘huffing it’ on foot. Language barriers may be an issue in some cases. Accommodations may vary from comfortable private facilities to sleeping under the stars. In the majority of cases, disabled individuals would experience limited access.
Individuals who participate in a travel Adventure categorized as ‘difficult’ will likely face some extensive physical endurance requirements throughout the trip which may require critical focus in many cases. Individuals in good physical condition will likely experience a challenge. Activities may include back country wilderness travel, foreign city and country travel, open water exposure, and possible exposure to adverse weather conditions.
Participants will be required to transport their own gear or travel baggage and water. In some situations, it may be necessary to obtain water from natural sources utilizing a filtration system. In addition to geographical limitations noted above under ‘challenging,’ travelers may experience other situations which some may find very challenging and possibly uncomfortable. There may be language barriers in communicating with others either in your group or with locals who are trying to assist you.
Transportation may vary from motorized to non-motorized vehicles and may include walking, bicycles, buses, rafts or boats, taxis, rickshaws, small aircraft, horses, camels, elephants, and on foot. Accommodations may vary from comfortable private facilities to sleeping under the stars. In the majority of cases, disabled individuals would experience limited access. In some cases, these Adventures could be impossible for those who are physically or mentally disabled.
A difficult Adventure could pose dangerous situations, though these are not expected. In such situations, it is imperative that the group work together and remain focused on overcoming setbacks, limitations, or complex situations. Synergy and teamwork is very important on these Adventures.
‘Extreme’ travel experiences are for experienced travelers in top physical condition with a level-headed attitude when faced with adverse situations. These experiences can be very intensive and mentally and physically demanding. In some cases, requirements may include a physical and/or questionnaire, as well as participation in a previous ‘difficult’ 4Xpedition travel engagement. Participants WILL face challenges, but with those challenges brings accomplishment.
Activities may include backcountry wilderness travel, foreign city and country travel, open water exposure, and possible exposure to adverse weather conditions. Participants will be required to transport their own gear or travel baggage and water. In some situations, it may be necessary to obtain water from natural sources utilizing a filtration system.
In addition to geographical limitations noted above under ‘difficult,’ travelers may experience other situations which some may find push their limits. There may be language barriers in communicating with others either in your group or with locals who are trying to assist you.
Transportation may vary from motorized to non-motorized vehicles and may include walking, bicycles, buses, rafts or boats, taxis, rickshaws, small aircraft, horses, camels, elephants, or long distances on foot. Travelers are also required to be versed in some survival skills and first aid, be familiar with the mechanics of climbing and repelling with ropes, and other more complex components of extreme travel. In the majority of cases, disabled individuals would experience limited access, and extreme Adventures could be impossible for those who are mentally or physically disabled. Accommodations may vary from comfortable private facilities to sleeping under the stars.
An extreme Adventure would more than likely pose dangerous situations, but with proper preparation and safety precaution, such danger can be avoided. In such situations, it is imperative that the group work together and remain focused on overcoming the setbacks, limitations, or complex situations. The group is only as strong as its weakest link; therefore, in order to effect a focused group, each individual must be focused with the ability to overcome personal limitations in situations where focus may be extremely difficult. Synergy and teamwork is absolutely necessary in extreme Adventures.
Though we try to categorize our Adventures within these five levels to help guide you, participants should understand that our itineraries are flexible and may vary. On occasion, opportunities present themselves that we may, as a group or individually, opt to participate in that may be outside of the rating level the Adventure was originally categorized under. For example, on one occasion we hiked to the top of a mountain outside of Rio de Janeiro and discovered at the top a hang-gliding organization that, for a very reasonable price, allowed those who wanted to the opportunity to hang-glide with an expert off the side of the mountain, out over the ocean, and land on the beach below. Some travelers participated; others hiked down and took a taxi to the beach. It is this flexibility leading to unforeseen opportunities that makes our Adventures so memorable.
To obtain immunizations to protect against exposure to illness in foreign countries, please visit your local State-sponsored or private practice immunization service. 4Xpedition does not require participants to obtain immunizations to travel. However, travel to foreign countries without immunizations is at your own risk. All participants will be required to complete our Travel Release Agreement.
All individuals who travel internationally are required to have an official passport issued by their government of nationality. Obtaining this documentation is the responsibility of the individual. Note that some countries’ processing durations can be extensive; therefore, it is recommended that you apply for your passport as soon as possible to ensure yours is available to you prior to the departure date.
Many countries require travelers to purchase a travel visa to enter their country. Some countries allow travelers to purchase visas upon arrival to the country, while others require the documents be obtained prior to arrival. The purchase of a visa is the responsibility of the individual. If a visa is required for one of our travel Adventures, it will be noted within the description.
Currency of the local economy will likely be required in most foreign travel destinations. Advance purchase of currency is not necessary beyond purchasing from an exchange bank in either the connecting airport or the final destination airport. It is recommended, however, that when traveling to smaller foreign destination airports, the currency is purchased in the larger connecting airport enroute. However, if the destination offers an international airport, currency may be purchased at the destination airport from a currency exchange.
Beware of exchange rates if purchasing in advance of departure. Some travelers may opt to purchase travelers’ checks instead. If so, it is recommended that checks be purchased in smaller incremental values, for larger checks are more difficult to cash in some countries, and finding locations to cash them can sometimes be difficult.
At 4Xpedition, we welcome children on many of our Adventures; however, due to the necessity for safety and the demand for mental and physical capability, we have limited the minimum age to 15. All individuals who are under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. If children are allowed to participate on a trip we are offering, it will be noted under Age Limitations.